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Ase Origins

The Sunrise of a New Year

By Leticia McFadden  •   2 minute read

The different aspects of our individual and collective lives are a reflection of the different aspects of nature. The slow setting of the sun with its beautiful hues represent the end or closure of the day. Sunsets are a part of life cycles, transitions, and completions. The setting of the sun can also represent the closure of an experience, career, relationship, journey, or year. As the sun sets, it covers that area with darkness while making room for the glowing moon and the stars to sparkle. It prepares the landscape for a fresh start. It provides the darkness required for our circadian rhythm which is needed for rest and to prepare for the next sunrise. It is during this time that hormones necessary for growth are released. Seeds struggle and germinate in darkness. It is also during this time that we are transported to the world of dreams which are a reflection of our suppressed thoughts, desires, fears, traumas, past experiences as well as those that offer vision, healing, and forecast what needs to be done to prepare for the inevitable rising of the sun. As the cycle of the sun progresses through the darkness, the horizon eventually shows faint glistening glimmers of light. Darkness is coming to a close and now light is slowly igniting. The sun rises and brings hope for the new day with new beginnings and growth. The sunrise also offers clarity in thoughts. The bright light of the rays kisses our skin to produce Vitamin D which offers an array of physical and mental health benefits including boosting our moods, helping our circadian rhythm, and aiding in cognitive function. The light of the sun also reflects the brilliant light that each of us carries within us. It offers the natural light required to work our fields-both literally and metaphorically.At the exact same time, some parts of the world experience the sunset while other parts experience the sunrise and so is life. As we enter this new year, let it be a reminder of the cycles of nature and the cycles of life. Let this new year provide the necessary balance of lightness and darkness that propels us all to survive, thrive, and grow! New year...New beginnings!

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